The Last Act
Director: Shahab Hosseini
Director: Shahab Hosseini
The story of this movie is based on the political revolution facts in countries, but it is written anonymously without geographical specifications by the great French novelist, Gilbert Cesbron, telling a story of a government criticizer who is prosecuted and arrested while he was visiting his family. The conversation between the writer and one of the authorities leads to an unexpected ending.
Director: Shahab Hosseini
Producer: Shahab Hosseini
Cast: Gia Mora, James Wagner, Armin Amiri, Mohammad Motalegh, Shelby Seiler, Esmaeel G. Adivi, Shailene Farabi, Danill Vederikov
Technical specifications
Language: English
Subtitles: Persian
Colour: Colour
Sound: Stereo
Format: Digital and Scope